Arbital "teaches" relationship

It would be silly to have a system that demands users to know things without also providing a way to teach them. This is why the pages can also teach requisites. A page can teach many requisites, and there can be many pages teaching the same requisite, each one tailored to a specific audience or learning style. For example, “JavaScript for beginners” and “From Java to JavaScript” pages could both teach “JavaScript functions” requisite among others.

When to add a “teaches” relationship

When a page has been written specifically to explain the concept. For example:

  • This page has been written specifically to explain the concept of “teaches” relationships.

  • Bayes’ rule: Functional form is written specifically to explain that concept.

If the page provides links to materials that teach the requisites. (In that case, make sure “This page teaches its requisites indirectly” setting is on.) For example:

A page can teach itself. In fact, this happens pretty frequently, since the page itself is most natural place for the user to look when they want to learn the topic.

When not to add a “teaches” relationship

  • If the page talks about some concept, but doesn’t go in enough depth to fully explain it. For example, if the user is reading a page about “Bitcoin”, it’s quite likely the page will talk about the blockchain, but it’s unlikely it’ll really explain that concept to the reader.

Sometimes it can be unclear if the pages should have a “teaches” relationship. If you run into a case you can’t clearly resolve, please post it here, so we can discuss it, learn from it, and refine these definitions.
