Arbital markdown demo
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Which case fits you best? a: I want to have a basic theoretical and practical understanding of the Bayes’ rule. -wants: [62d,Bayes’ Rule and its implications b: I can easily read algebra and don’t mind the explanation moving at a fast pace. Just give me the basics, quick! wants: Bayes’ Rule and its different forms -wants: Bayes’ Rule and its implications c: I want the basics, but I’m also interested in reading more about the theoretical implications and the reasons why Bayes’ rule is considered so important. wants: Bayes’ Rule and its implications -wants: Bayes’ Rule and its different forms d: I’d like to read everything! I want to have a deep theoretical and practical understanding of the Bayes’ rule. wants: Bayes’ Rule and its different forms,Bayes’ Rule and its implications ]
Frequency diagrams: A first look at Bayes
Waterfall diagrams and relative odds
Introduction to Bayes’ rule: Odds form
Bayes’ rule: Proportional form
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
Ordinary claims require ordinary evidence
Bayes’ rule: Log-odds form
Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise
Bayes’ rule: Vector form
Belief revision as probability elimination
Bayes’ rule: Probability form
Bayesian view of scientific virtues %
%start-path(Comprehensive guide to Bayes’ Rule)% %% %%!wants-requisite(Bayes’ Rule and its implications): %box: No time to waste! Let’s plunge directly into a single-page abbreviated introduction to Bayes’ rule. % %% <div>
Frequency diagrams: A first look at Bayes
Waterfall diagrams and relative odds
Introduction to Bayes’ rule: Odds form
Belief revision as probability elimination
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
Ordinary claims require ordinary evidence
Shift towards the hypothesis of least surprise
Bayesian view of scientific virtues %
%start-path(Bayes’ Rule and its implications)% %%
%%!wants-requisite(Bayes’ Rule and its implications): %box: Your path will teach you the basic odds form of Bayes’ rule at a reasonable pace. It will contain 3 pages:
Frequency diagrams: A first look at Bayes
Waterfall diagrams and relative odds
Introduction to Bayes’ rule: Odds form %
%start-path(Introduction to Bayes’ Rule odds form)% %% <div>
- Arbital Markdown
All about Arbital’s extended Markdown syntax.