Alternating group

The alternating group \(A_n\) is defined as a certain subgroup of the symmetric group \(S_n\): namely, the collection of all elements which can be made by multiplying together an even number of transpositions. This is a well-defined notion (proof).

knows-requisite(Normal subgroup): \(A_n\) is a normal subgroup of \(S_n\); it is the quotient of \(S_n\) by the sign homomorphism.


  • A cycle of even length is an odd permutation in the sense that it can only be made by multiplying an odd number of transpositions. For example, \((132)\) is equal to \((13)(23)\).

  • A cycle of odd length is an even permutation, in that it can only be made by multiplying an even number of transpositions. For example, \((1354)\) is equal to \((54)(34)(14)\).

  • The alternating group \(A_4\) consists precisely of twelve elements: the identity, \((12)(34)\), \((13)(24)\), \((14)(23)\), \((123)\), \((124)\), \((134)\), \((234)\), \((132)\), \((143)\), \((142)\), \((243)\).


knows-requisite(Normal subgroup): The alternating group \(A_n\) is of index \(2\) in \(S_n\). Therefore \(A_n\) is normal in \(S_n\) (proof). Alternatively we may give the homomorphism explicitly of which \(A_n\) is the kernel: it is the sign homomorphism.



  • Group

    The algebraic structure that captures symmetry, relationships between transformations, and part of what multiplication and addition have in common.