Proof of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem

Weak form

The weak Gödel’s first incompleteness theorem states that every \(\omega\)-consistent axiomatizable extension of minimal arithmetic is incomplete.

Let \(T\) extend minimal arithmetic, and let \(Prv_{T}\) be the standard provability predicate of \(T\).

Then we apply the diagonal lemma to get \(G\) such that \(T\vdash G\iff \neg Prv_{T}(G)\).

We assert that the sentence \(G\) is undecidable in \(T\). We prove it by contradiction:

Suppose that \(T\vdash G\). Then \(Prv_ {T}(G)\) is correct, and as it is a \(\exists\)-rudimentary sentence then it is provable in minimal arithmetic, and thus in \(T\). So we have that \(T\vdash Prv_ {T}(G)\) and also by the construction of \(G\) that \(T\vdash \neg Prv_{T}(G)\), contradicting that \(T\) is consistent.

Now, suppose that \(T\vdash \neg G\). Then \(T\vdash Prv_{T}(G)\). But then as \(T\) is consistent there cannot be a standard proof of \(G\), so if \(Prv_{T}(x)\) is of the form \(\exists y Proof_{T}(x,y)\) then for no natural number \(n\) it can be that \(T\vdash Proof_ {T}(\ulcorner G\urcorner,n)\), so \(T\) is \(\omega\)-inconsistent, in contradiction with the hypothesis.

Strong form

Every consistent and axiomatizable extension of minimal arithmetic is incomplete.

This theorem follows as a consequence of the undecidability of arithmetic combined with the lemma stating that any complete axiomatizable theory is undecidable
