Arbital Markdown questionnaire

This feature is highly experimental, hard to use, and quite likely to break at any time. Please use with caution.

Each question has an alias associated with it. This alias only has meaning inside this page. (There is no overlap with page object aliases from other pages.) If you change the question significantly, please change the alias too. This will reset users’ answers.

NOTE: Order of parameters is mandatory: knows, wants, -knows, -wants.

What is the furthest page you’ve read? a: I haven’t read anything, but I want to! wants: [1m9 b: I’ve only read Questionnaire helper 1. knows: Questionnaire helper 1 wants: Questionnaire helper 3 c: I read Questionnaire helper 2. knows: Questionnaire helper 1,Questionnaire helper 2 wants: Questionnaire helper 3 d: I read all the way through Questionnaire helper 3. knows: Questionnaire helper 1,Questionnaire helper 2,Questionnaire helper 3 e: I don’t want to read anything. ]

Reset everything? a: No. b: RESET! -knows: [1m7,Questionnaire helper 2,Questionnaire helper 3 -wants: Questionnaire helper 1,Questionnaire helper 2,Questionnaire helper 3 ]

Arbital also supports checkboxes. (Default value is set by appending ! to the answer option.)

Checkboxes are amazing! y!: path: [1lz,Bayes’ rule: Odds form n: ]

Paragraph conditionals

Nesting is supported by decreasing the number of %s for the nested conditionals.

knows-requisite(Questionnaire helper 1): %%!knows-requisite(Questionnaire helper 2): Looks like you’ve only read Questionnaire helper 1, not bad. %% %%knows-requisite(Questionnaire helper 2): %!knows-requisite(Questionnaire helper 3):Looks like you’ve read up to Questionnaire helper 2, very good!%
%knows-requisite(Questionnaire helper 3): Wow, you’ve read everything!% %%

!wants-requisite(Questionnaire helper 3): Looks like you don’t want to read anything. That’s OK!

Span conditionals

These don’t support nesting.

Example: Something you

knows-requisite(Questionnaire helper 1): probably remember from Questionnaire helper 1:
!knows-requisite(Questionnaire helper 1): might not know:
I like turtles!

Path conditionals

You can check if a page will come before or after the current page in the path:

!if-before(Questionnaire helper 1): Questionnaire helper 1 will NOT come later in the path

if-after(Questionnaire helper 1): Questionnaire helper 1 came earlier in the path

